Veronica and Omar fell under the spell of tango 13 years ago and have been part of the milonga ever since. They performed in numerous tango shows and have danced in all the most prestigious dance floors in Argentina and worldwide. They have been teaching and performing at festivals in Russia; Latvia; Spain; Germany; Italy; Brasil; Venezuela; France; Uruguay; China and Lebanon. Recently they played the starring roles in the film TANGUERO, an italo-argentine production opening this coming April in Italy. Their unique style combines the salon heritage with a modern touch of tango fantasia, where graceful elegance and sensuality are serving a respectful interpretation of the individual fashions which differentiate tango orchestras.When teaching, they aim to convey the importance of communication within the couple, where the essential is not visual, but an intimate sensation inherited from the old milongueros.
Veronica and Omar will show you how to achieve a perfect complicity between the dancing partners, allowing the follower to express his feelings in pair with the leader. But they will also show you how to have fun respecting the distinctive style of each different orchestra
Promoting the film Tanguero
At Sin Rumbo, Buenos Aires
News and information in Spanish
Verónica Palacios y Omar Quiroga
Bailarines de formación Integral de Tango Salón, Escenario y Folklore (Desde 1989) Incursionaron en la danza del tango en el año 1998 Actualmente Forman parte del elenco de” La esquina Carlos Gardel “y de la compañía Internacional Tango Bravo. El baile de Verónica Palacios y Omar Quiroga esta lleno de Personalidad y apasionamiento por la música,Llevandolo al Mundo Entero.-
Giras Internacionales
Brasil Teatro Municipal Americana ,Teatro Do Sesi ,Porto Alegre Teatro CANECÃO Río De Janeiro en la Feria Internacional de Turismo,Teatro UCS,Caxias Do Sul.Sao Paulo.
Rusia y Latvia Gigant Hall de San Petesburgo (Rusia) ,Congress Hall, Riga,”YAR”,Moscu Exhibición en “Molodaya gvardia”,Moscu. “Kremlin”Moscu dos veces consecutivas -Junto a la compania Solo Tango “El show” “Teatro de la comedia”,San Petesburgo Exhibición en Kronverk" San Petersburgo
Italia : Exhibición y Stages en Salon Baires -Nápoles, Parma -Castelleto ,Cremona,Urbino, Pessaro,Casa del Popolo-Firenze, Cascabelito-Roma ,Brescia,Milano -La Mariposa. Junto a Alamatango Festival de Barletta.
España: Exhibición y Stages. AlemaniaWorkshops ,Clases y Exhibiciones.Munich. Tango Festival Berlín, dictó workshops , clases y fueron bailarines invitados al cierre del festival realizado en el Deutsches Theater Berlín junto al cuarteto de los grandes maestros Luis Stazzo y Alfredo Marcucci , la orquesta Alma Trio.y Los cosos de al lao.Stuttgart.CMT.Exibicion en TANGO OCHO en la misma cuidad .
Francia:Exhibición en Retro-Paris. Uruguay,Punta del Este:agasajo al presidente Aznar. Libano:integrantes del elenco de la compania TANGO BRAVO actuando en CASINO DU LIBAN.
China. Integrando el elenco del espectaculo Radio Latina Viajando por diversas ciudades de la Republica.en dos oprtunidades año 2008 y año 2009. Participaron en la Obra “Cinderella Tango Club” en el Teatro Maipo ,Omar como co-protagonista partener de la señora Eleonora Casano. Formaron parte del elenco de las mejores casas de Tango de BUENOS AIRES ,Participaron en el programa Televisivo “Zarpando Tangos” conducido por Guillermo Fernández Formaron parte del elenco de CHE TANGO ,ESQUINA CARLOS GARDEL,ESQUINA HOMERO MANZI,VIEJO ALMACEN. Dictan clases de Tango en su escuela PALERMO TANGO CLUB Y EN LA ESCUELA ARGENTINA DE TANGO. Exhibiciones en Porteño y Bailarin,Salon Canning ,Confiteria Ideal,Salon Sin Rumbo,Sunderland Club,Grisel,La Mica Milonga.
Actualmente en Caracas ,Venezuela Junto a la compañía Esquina Carlos Gardel y luego en el Festival Internacional de Baile y Musica de Zhanjiajie ,China.
Gira por Italia 2009-
Queridos visitantes : Este es un espacio que abrimos para promover y compartir con ustedes nuestro trabajo en Buenos Aires y el Mundo. Colocaremos Material profesional para que sea de mas facil acceso a la gente que este interesada en nuestro arte como asi tambien Informacion de clases , Proximas Giras ,eventos exibiciones etc.- Pueden acceder a dejarnos mensajes sugerencias,preguntas o simplemente visitarnos Virtualmente. Es un sitio abierto para compartir experiencias nuestras y una invitacion a que ustedes compartan las suyas con relacion al tango tambien a las demas danzas desde ya muchas Gracias por haber ingresado y esperamos que lo disfruten .- Veronica y Omar
Omar y Vero Workshops Content:
Workshop W: Intro to Tango
Overview of what is tango, milonga, and vals Different styles through the times · Brief class on how to dance salon style · All levels Workshop 1: The Basics Posture, embrace, connection, “punto Cero”, disassociation, intention, walk, body technique · All levels Workshop 2: Turning on our feet Footwork, legwork, pivots, turns, ochos, enrosques. · All levels Workshop 3: Making our legs work Sacadas, paradas, arrastres, ganchos, technique, combinations, technique for men and women, individuals and couples. · Intermediate, all levels Workshop 4: Musicality 4 different orchestras of the 40’s, milonga lisa, milonga traspie · Intermediate, advanced Workshop 5: Improvisation Tango vals, creativity and improvisation, what, where from, and how, sequence for small spaces. · Advanced, intermediate Workshop A: Zamba Argentina Workshop B: Chacarera Chacarera simple y doble Workshop C: “Zapateo criollo” for Chacarera and Malambo for men, “Zarandeo” for Women · Audience: all those who have full pass
Dear Participant,
Please fill the form below with your selection and circle your choice:
Write your selection and price plus your check number in the comment box:
Student / Non student
Full Festival 100 / 150 Friday 40 / 60 Saturday 60 / 80 Sunday 50 / 70
Check #:
To receive our special price for early enrollment you should pay no later than August 26, 2011 .
Mail check to:
Jorge Broggio 5825 Ramblewood Court Brighton, MI 48116
The Special Workshop C on Zapateo Criollo/Malambo/Zarandeo is being made available free of charge only to those who have early enrolled in the Full Festival. This is a unique workshop taught by Omar and Veronica. Note:
.- Early registration to pay these prices have been extended till August 22, 2011, late registration at full prices through September 2 and at the door. .- When travelling more than 50 miles one way from your home to Vitosha add an additional discount of 10% over these prices .- For qualification to receive additional discount for: a)Group attendance of 2 couples, 4 people; b)Promising high potential youth
check with us before enrolling: e-mail: , Phone : 810-225-2392
Accommodations near to the Festival |
Tango Fall Festival 2011
Omar & Veronica – The Art of Tango and Folklore
September 2, 3, 4, 2011
Vitosha Guest Haus, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Nearby accommodations besides Vitosha Guest Haus Inn
Ann Arbor Marriot Ypsilanti
at Eagle Crest Resort
Parish House in Bed & Breakfast
The Queen’s Residence Bed & Breakfast
Comfort Inn and Suites
Days Inn Ann Arbor
Lamp Post Inn
Hampton Inn Ann Arbor North
Weber’s Inn
Embassy Hotel
Courtyard Ann Arbor
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Ann Arbor
Fairfield Inn Ann Arbor